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Good Morning, from the Garden Cafe!

Good Morning from the Cafe....I hope that you are feeling well this morning and are sitting comfortably with your Big Cup of Hot Coffee, wonderful! I wanted to talk alittle about what happens when you wake up each morning and begin your day with the Five Reiki Intentions: Today I am peaceful, Today I am relaxed, Today I am grateful, Today I work hard (meditative/spiritual practice) Today I am kind to others. So since I try to practice this method every morning...... I was inspired to paint last night, I began feeling this overwhelming peaceful, calming, exhilarated feeling, Maybe because while I was in my artistic zone, all that mattered was how I was feeling at that moment. But what I can tell you is that my inspiration felt like it had continued to build throughout the day, even after a stressful work day with challenging clients.

So what I want to say is wake up every morning and chant those Intentions out loud!!! I guarantee that your day will flow in a upward spiral and happiness will take over your body!!

So welcome to the Cafe, sit back, relax and enjoy the coffee

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