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What Puts A Smile On Your Face?

Good Morning From The Garden Cafe! As I sit here on this brisk friday morning in my rustic, old wooden chair, in the cafe, sipping on the best hot Italian Roasted, Extra Bold cup of coffee, in the most Artistic cup I own. I'm listening to my favorite George Winston piano piece (which is a very important I must say). My thoughts drift into a place where I begin to think about everything that makes me feel proud. I've raised children, I manage to get up every morning and put in a 8 hour work day, I have overcome obsticles in life that were difficult, I have passions that fuel my soul, I have accomplishments that make me proud, and I have a wonderful family, friends and a loving relationship......Wow

So If everyone would just take some time out of their day to sit back and reflect upon what makes them feel proud and begin to value all the accomplishments, big or small in life that got them where they are today ...instead of the negitive thoughts that can be self-sabotaging, I promise you that you will begin to change your inner self.

Now get started, what makes you feel proud and puts a smile on your face?

Welcome to the cafe sit back and relax and enjoy the coffee!!

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