Adapting to Change in Our Lives
Good Morning from the Garden Cafe!! Yes it's Fall....I love the changes in the seasons. The crisp, cool mornings sitting on the cafe sipping my dark roasted, Italian cup of hot coffee while listening to some Chris Botti. Your thoughts can quickly sweep you away, Like I always say.... this is an important step when beginning your morning in a Artistic way. It's wonderful to mix it up when your doing anything in life. Change is difficult for many people. The change in seasons, breakng up with an ex, relocating to another city or state, having a best friend move away, the death of a relative, loss of a job or something that meant a great deal to you but that has not turned out the way you hoped it would, Change isn't easy but then again, it often provides an opportunity to grow in life. It can really be a good thing!
Life is full of unexpected surprises, don't let this be a lesson you refuse to learn. Death, loss and strange situations will be a part of your life, no matter how much you may try to shelter or protect yourself from it. The major key is coping with change is to begin by accepting the reality of change and its inevitability. Cherish the memories but nourish the future too. There is so much about life to be excited about. Staying positive and forging on is important. Take a class, start a new project, talk to friends, hire a life coach to keep you motivated and inspired daily, Change can be difficult but you have to make the effort to reach out and grab new challenges as they come your way. Get help if you need it. But just remember...on the other side of change can be a new and wonderful life ahead full of growth and happiness!
Welcome to the cafe sit back and enjoy the coffee!!