The Simple Art of Smiling
Good Morning from the Garden Cafe......When I get up in the morning the most wonderful thing to look forward to is enjoying my first cup of hot roasted coffee in my most favorite unusual cup ever. That can put a smile on my face quicker than anything. I don't think anyone realizes the pwer of a smile, touch, a kind word, a listening ear, a honest compliment, or the smallest act of kindness. It has the potential of changing ones life. Actually, there isn't any art behind it. Just that you were born to be happy, and you can show this happiness with that beautiful smile of yours. Come on !! Let's see it. :) Okay, good.
I think we all know how to spot a genuine smile, " A Genuine Smile = Crinkly Eyes " The worst smile is a fake one, you know that "polite smile" And I think we all know what I am talking about. (hey don't get me wrong, I do this too) It's sometimes unconscious at the grocery stores, on the streets. The lesson? Smile with your eyes!! Feel it genuinely and it will come out naturally. People are attracted to that energy. When you smile more, you will carry an aura and poise that will draw people to you. We all like and want to be around happy and cheerful people, right?
Are you ready to take the Smiling Challenge? Begin with smiling at strangers, start smiling at the homeless people and street hagglers. See what happens in your life. It's very contagious. A smile has the power to make other people happy and can effect your health. Do I need to say more? I am smiling really big right now and I am looking forward to my day and enjoying my second cup of coffee!!
Welcome to the cafe sit back relax and enjoy some coffee and a BIG SMILE!!