Are You Living Your Life?
Good Morning from the Garden Cafe. I am going crazy trying to think about what I am going to do with the rest of my life. What am I meant to do, What's the meaning of my life, Why am I here? I believe your life is made up of your own actions and thoughts. And you are the only one that can create your day and your life I guess. There is always something new to learn or to experience. Wow Iike sky diving, climbing Mt. Reiner, hiking through some rain forest. I don't know!!! There are people out there who like adventure and then there are those who like maybe a mix. I like adventure and learning new and exciting things. But having fun doing it of coarse is the best part of all of it all. I also believe in getting alittle crazy and acting silly once in awhile is important. Not like mental health crazy. Just having fun living your life!!
Getting out of your comfort zone and doing something you would never do is what I am talking about. And it's something I am aways working on. But here at the Cafe we always have deep thoughts and conversations going on. So if ever you have nothing better to do or feel driven to stop in the Cafe to have a coffee, we need more people to get involved in the brainstorming around here!
This is the best quote ever...."Live your Life. Take chance. Be Crazy. Don't wait. Because right now is the oldest you've ever been and the youngest you'll be ever again!!!