Random Acts Of Kindness
Good Morning from the Garden Cafe! This is a wonderful day to hang out at the Cafe and celebrate lots of love and kindness with friends. During this moment it's fun to think about how to make a difference in someone's life. We are all here for a some amazing reason. Life should be a celebration......Every day!!! What if we did things for others to make them smile.....then we would smile....then they would smile and so on and so forth......
I have many thoughts about this. It's about improving and exploring the quality of our life. A great way to make this happen is to make or buy a dozen chocolate chip cookies and eat them LOL......or pass them out to people who need them or maybe even those who don't need them but whats important is that they look like they could use a cookie to brighten up their day. By the way this is not limited to using just cookies...It's about pure Kindness and a Smile. We all deserve alittle love and a Big Cookie!!
Welcome to the Cafe sit back relax and enjoy the coffee and a smiles!