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What Would The Title of Your Life Story Be Called?

Good Afternoon from the Garden Cafe. I have been engaged in thinking about the crazy journey my life has taken. Pursuing forgiveness and gratitude in life. If someone were to write a book about me, I wonder what the title of my book would be? A comedy, a horror film, a love story, the great adventure, a documentry? Well it's kinda funny because I want to describe my life as a romantic comedy of mystery and adventure with some love and heartache mixed in. Wow it can be really scary! I want to make my life count! I don't want a boring routine life. I want it to have adventure, love, alittle bit of scary, and heartache...but not to much. Excitement is important, you have to have alot of that!!

Just remember that you hold the pen. You are in control of your story! You are writing each chapter. Make sure that it has a nice combination of ups and downs in life. I would like to think that my story would have a fabulous happy ending. Even with all the twists and turns I've had along the way. Staying focused on what you want.... even though it might take you alittle longer to get there....It's ok. It's about living your life!

So take time to think about your life every once inawhile. What would the theme and focus of your story be? Is there to much drama, add some humor, If theres alot of scary stuff going on, speed things up and start making some positive choices so you can add some love and happiness in there. And of coarse you have to have Adventure!! Remember we want this to be your best seller...But most of all have fun living your life!

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