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Positive Tips On Rebuilding Your Life

Good Afternoon from the Garden Cafe!! I hope everyone is having a wonderful day. If there happens to be any transitioning going on in your life right now, believe me, I know that things can get pretty crazy and somewhat stressful during this time. Hopefully some of my tips can assist you during this period of rebuilding.

Whether you are moving, changing careers, or even committing yourself to letting go of pointless drama and toxic relationships, thoughts and behavors that are present in your life. It's important to start shifting your focus on always staying true to yourself at all times!!

Life seems to be filled with interesting twists and turns. One minute you are happily married, own a home and raising children. The next minute you are faced with divorce and losing your house, living in an apartment building as a single mother struggling to make a living. Or maybe you are forced to leave your job and find another, or maybe it's your choice to start a new career and move away from familiar places, family and friends. There are many situations that unfortunately come about in life where we need to rebuild and start over.

What I know to be important is to first surround yourself with positive, supportive people, take one day at a time, visualize yourself your dreams and begin creating your destiny, forgive, release and let go of past hurts and resentments, begin acting on improving your situation by reading books, taking classes, asking questions, find a mentor!! Trust that with every step you take, your life situation will get better. Be good to yourself by taking care of your mind, body and soul. Exercise, eat healthy and most of all choose to be HAPPY and remember we have only one life to live....So make it count!!

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