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Are You Living In The Present

Today I have decided that I am seriously going to kick start this new year 2016 in the most positive way ever!! My mission is to begin to live in the present and to be mindful of what flows through my brain during a 24 hour period. There is no reason why negitivity has to set up camp in my head during various times of the day or night. It seems our brain or consciousness seems to enjoy dwelling on everything that ever happened in our life that made us sad, afraid, fearful or caused us pain in some way. Our mind wants to always stay captivated in each painful memory of the past. All it does is make us depressed, and prevents us from actually living in the NOW. It holds us back from moving on..... Even when things are going great in our life.... that little negitive creature creeps in and screws things up. So everytime I let my mind go to that place where I begin to feel sad, negitive or down about myself......Ive learned to use a few helpful tools that can redirect those thoughts. First I take a reality check and begin reflecting on all the great things that I've mastered, overcame, problems I solved, any small victory deserves praise!!! It could be anything that made me feel inspired or motivated in my life. Visualizing myself mastering a goal or fulfilling a dream really works. One of my most favorite things to do is something that involves having fun with friends and family. Spending time with positive, fun people. This is the best positve emotion....its good for the body, heart, and for your mind. Laughter is the best medicine to improve every aspect of your life!! I really love this one and I use it as much as possible. So next time those negitive thoughts come creeping into your brain..... Do what I do ......Take a break and reflect on something that inspires you makes you laugh and changes your mood.....It works for me and keeps me out of that crusty ugly place called negitivity and helps me create something better. A Positive Amazing Life!!!

Garden Cafe

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