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The Diary Of A Frustrated Artist

What exactly is frustration when you are an Artist? In my experience, it's always strugging with your craft. Creativity sometimes goes crazy within you. If you're not constantly attending to your exsisting craft or whatever inspires you,... you are attending to your other creative endeavors to fullfill that frustrated desire to create none stop. So it begins to explode into other mediums...such as cooking, gardening, writing, my guitar music, decorating, etc. Anything to divert what it is that you are really trying to finish....such in my case..... my exsisting painting.. It's easy to get side tracked when you're not finding that feeling or creative spark that allows you to get that masterpiece finished.... So it's easier to just attend to other creative endeavors to fullfill that passion to create sometimes on a daily bases....And then the frustration ends...!! I finish my painting !!! YES .........Then the frustration begins all over again...........................AHHH yes, the life of a creative mind.

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